AMO DC Blocks


The Better DC Blocks!

DC Blocks provide AC coupling of high-speed serial data streams in modern communication systems. The key metrics are insertion loss, bandwidth, flatness over the band, working voltage and return loss. Because the frequencies range from 16 kHz to 110+ GHz, measuring the characteristics of the DC blocks is a challenge. Amotech provides evaluation boards to correlate customer measurements with Amotech’s. Accurate 3D HFSS models are available for circuit simulation.

AMO Evaluation Boards

Probe Based Evaluation Boards for Measurements to 110+ GHz

Connectorized Evaluation Boards for Measurements to 40 GHz

HFSS Models of AMO DC Blocks and Land Patterns

Amotech provides HFSS models to customers of the AMO DC Blocks for circuit simulations. The models are created using the physical characteristics of the capacitors for accuracy. To request a HFSS model, please select the link below.

AMO HFSS Models of DC Blocks and Land Patterns

Request HFSS Models

Capacitor Dimensions

AMO 01005 DC Block Dimensions

AMO 0201 DC Block Dimensions

AMO 0402 DC Block Dimensions